Benson Kua's Blog

Archive for the ‘Olympus OMD E-M5’ Category

Dogs in the Park

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“Cute little pug (that I forgot to ask what his/her name was)”

We went on a quick stroll today through the grounds at Toronto’s Allan Gardens and saw that there were a couple of dog owners with their dogs inside the off-leash area so we decided to take a quick detour into the area and subsequently met these guys.  Seeing these dogs makes me miss my dogs back home.  To the owners of these adorable dogs, thank you very much for letting us play with them even for just a litlle bit!

“Rocco, the poser”

Be Ve-wy Ve-wy Quiet… I’m Hunting Wabbit!

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“Hi Bugs!”

In the last couple of months I’ve been noticing little holes in the dirt in our plant boxes in the backyard.  I wondered what or who made those holes cause there were TONS of them!  Well, a couple of weeks ago I finally got my answer.  The holes were being cause by this family of rabbits coming into our backyard.  I’ve been seeing them a lot ever since roaming about from our neighbors’ backyards to ours; they even made their own holes in the fences so they could easily slip in and out.  Well, one afternoon while I was sitting outside enjoying the nice summer weather, I saw them scampering around the backyard again so I decided to follow them like Elmer Fudd, except I had a camera in hand in place of a rifle.  I had to walk REALLY REALLY slow in order not to startle them and I also had to hide in the bushes so they wouldn’t notice me coming over to them.  I wonder what the neighbours thought while I was taking these pictures?? Anyways, here are the pictures resulting from that endeavor.

“Munching on grass”

“Uh-oh… I think he saw me!”

“Thinking that he probably should have made that left turn at Albuquerque…”

Written by Benson

August 1, 2012 at 10:21 pm


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We’ve had a REALLY hot and dry summer in Toronto so far.  Its been so hot and dry that I have never seen our backyard so lifeless and dry that whenever I step out into the backyard I would hear the brown brittle grass (well, whats left of it) crunching under my feet on every step!  The state of our backyard right now is really in stark contrast to what it was about a month and a half ago when the weather was nice and mild and everything in the backyard was full of life and ripe with photographic opportunities!  Thankfully I took a lot of pictures of the backyard during that time so I’ll have stuff to process for the future.  Think of it as saving for a rainy day except that I saved the pictures for the opposite reason.

Anyways, here are some pictures of the daylilies in the backyard when they were in full bloom. I love how the flowers are backlit by the warm sunlight and makes it seem like they’re glowing… And who said that you shouldn’t shoot against the sun?? 😛